Published On: Sat, Jul 24th, 2021

Walk of Life, Day 24, July 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. Be Diligent.

Be diligent to deliver those who are drawn toward death.

Proverbs 24:11 “If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;”

To be diligent to deliver those who are drawn toward death if not a choice, but it is a command that every believer in Christ must follow or practice. We read in Mark 16:15,”And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” This is the command that the Lord Jesus Christ gave to His disciples before He ascended to heaven.

When we are washed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and are made His children, there comes a great responsibility upon us. Our God entrusts us with a divine work. That work is to shine for Him. In the parables shared by the Lord Jesus Christ, the parable of Salt and Light is well known to all of us. We are compared to salt and light.

Salt, as we all know gives taste to the entire dish. It shares its salty nature with all the components to which it is added. In the same way, we as the children of God ought to share the Christ that we possess with the people around us.

Light, expels darkness. We, as the children of God should always remember that Christ, the light, dwells in us. We should be shining for the Lord amongst this wicked dark generations. We should serve as a guiding light for people living in darkness to come out of it and be saved.

‘ Delivering someone from death’ is a noble task. It is very clear that with our strength we cannot do such a great thing. However, it is God who attracts people and delivers them from death. We are the unprofitable servants being used by the LORD for His glory. Our duty is to be available and obedient to the LORD always.

Do not say or think that sharing gospel with your friends is the job of pastors. It is the duty of every born again believer to win souls for Christ. When we meet our savior, let us greet Him with handful of souls that we have won for Him.

Even if our song has been like the one mentioned below, let us know awake and take up our duty assigned by God and seeking His help, let us perform our duty well.

 “Must I go, and empty-handed,”

Thus my dear Redeemer meet?

Not one day of service give Him,

Lay no trophy at His feet?

  “Must I go, and empty-handed?”

  Must I meet my Savior so?

Not one soul with which to greet Him:

    Must I empty-handed go?


Not at death I shrink nor falter,

For my Savior saves me now;

But to meet Him empty-handed,

Thought of that now clouds my brow.


O the years in sinning wasted;

Could I but recall them now,

I would give them to my Savior,

To His will I’d gladly bow.


O ye saints, arouse, be earnest,

Up and work while yet ’tis day;

Ere the night of death o’ertake thee,

Strive for souls while still you may.


About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.