Published On: Sun, Jul 24th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 24, July 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 19 – Creation Declares God’s Glory

Through this psalm, David proclaims that everything in heaven and earth is made to glorify God. He sings how the day sky and the night sky glorifies God and speaks to us in a language the whole earth would understand and reveals knowledge about the glory, wisdom and creative greatness of God.

Heavens Declares His Glory

  • Sun, the ruler of all celestial bodies in the solar system rises everyday like a bridegroom coming from his pavilion whose tent is the heavens. It shines to give heat and light which reaches out to the ends of the earth enabling life to grow on the earth. It represents God’s power and glory as nothing can survive its fierce heat nor the radiant rays of the sunlight. If we can’t survive from a star which God has created, then can we stand and not perish in the presence of his glory?
  • Yet God remembered us in our low estate and chose to show his unconditional love through Christ Jesus who has redeemed and will sanctify us till he can present us faultless before his glorious presence by transforming us into his likeness. That day there will be no need of the sun to declare God’s glory because God will make those whose name is written in the book of life shine in New Jerusalem like the sun glorifying him day and night.

Declare His Glory Through The Knowledge Of His Word

  • Although creation tells us much about God, David says that God’s Word reveals much more by transforming our souls. For “his divine power has given us everything we need (his perfect word) for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness” 2 Peter 1:3. King David loved God’s word and held it in greater esteem than material wealth and choice food. He believed that “in keeping them there is great reward.” Psalm 19:11.
  • Following God’s word is easy when you are in a protected environment. The real test is when you are away from your family and still you resolve to walk in God’s way. Joseph had to go through this test before God could reward him. He was rejected by his brothers who sold him as a slave, he was then put in prison by Potiphar for doing what was right. Even though he diligently followed God, he suffered for a very long time. But he never failed to give glory to God. So, it pleased God to give him the gift of interpreting dreams and he became the second powerful ruler in Egypt.

Declare His Glory By The Cleansing Of The Spirit

  • David then looked upon God to cleanse him from his hidden faults and willful sins which would hinder him from bringing glory to God. He realized that without God’s intervention, he could never become blameless and holy. So, he made his plea before offering his worship to God.

David closed this glorious psalm with a humble surrender of his mouth and heart to God who was his Rock and Redeemer.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30