Published On: Sat, Sep 24th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 24, September 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 62 – Trust In God Alone

This psalm was composed by David addressed to the Chief Musician, Jeduthun who was responsible for the sounding of the trumpets and cymbals and for the playing of the other instruments for sacred song. 1Cronicles 16:42

Unlike many psalms where David begins by a plea or prayer for deliverance, this psalm begins with a declaration of great confidence and trust in the Lord. Various situations that David faced as a fugitive helped him to conclude that in ‘God Alone’ one can rely for anything in life.

  • God Alone is my Salvation – God made David realise that it is not by his strength or skill that he would become victorious but only by relying on God he will receive salvation. All human efforts are futile if God does not grant deliverance from death either in body or in soul, so God trained David to wait upon God’s perfect timing.
  • God Alone is my Rock – God helped David to understand that even in his most vulnerable state, God was able to strengthen him. Through constant prayers, David was able to stand on the solid rock gaining wisdom, patience and stability during the period he was a fugitive in Israel.
  • God Alone is my Fortress – God made David understand that all men on earth, big or small, rich or poor, none have the power to determine his destiny. No one could change what God wants to achieve through him, irrespective of all efforts done by King Saul or other common people who tried to reveal David’s hiding place. None could harm him as God had become his fortress, a safe place of refuge from all harm.
  • God Alone is my Defense – God put David through hardest times where he had to face people talking bad about him and giving false testimony about him to King Saul. He wanted David to learn that He is his shield against all danger and any attack, no matter however big the enemy is. He needed to remind him that it was in the name of the Lord that he won against the giant Goliath not with sword, spear and javelin.

David’s experience inspired him to compose this psalm for the benefit of the people of Israel. He wanted them to know they have a God who hears and answers their prayers. Ultimately David makes two conclusions about Yahweh.

  • God is Strong – Since power belongs to God, David did not long for it to be gained by force or wrong means from King Saul even when he had a chance to do so. After becoming a king, he displayed God’s power in him by ruling his subjects justly.
  • God is Loving – Irrespective of God’s power, he is a loving God who is faithful in showing steadfast love to his people. Many times, the people of Israel abandoned their God by following other idols, but He never forgot his covenant with them. After punishing them for a while, He forgave, healed and restored them.

This was manifested in fullness in Christ. He showed his power on earth when He drove out demons by his command and He showed his love by becoming the sacrificial lamb to redeem all mankind and restore them to the Father as faultless and without blemish. And He has promised to come back at an unexpected time to take his sheep home and to be the powerful judge of this world. So, just as you have always obeyed, continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30