Published On: Thu, Feb 24th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 25 – February 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Love!


Proverbs 25:28 “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.”

In my childhood, whenever we went to our hometown for vacation, I remember my grandfather taking all the dried coconut leaves and arranging them neatly around the compound of the house using strong sticks as a wall. I did not know the purpose then, but felt it as nice and secure. It was however arranged to restrict animals like cows, donkeys and hens to enter in and spoil the place. What if we do not have any protection around the house? The animals would enter in without any difficulty and they would spoil the place. We cannot blame the animals, we are to be blamed for not having a compound wall built around.

In our spiritual walk we come across many such foreign elements that enter in and disturb our peace. We keep blaming the circumstances and the people for it saying,” This is because of that brother/ sister.”, when it is completely our fault. We do not guard our hearts. We lack control over ourselves. We dump ourselves with whatever we see, hear, and think. Thereby we get disturbed to an extent that we live in despair and anger.

Physical walls can be built by using bricks and cement, but how can we build this spiritual wall? A man from the Holy Bible had a hedge about him, his household, and about all that he had. Surprisingly, this hedge was placed by God Himself. However, what this man did in order to be protected by the Lord in every aspect? Job 1:1&5 tell us about Job. He was perfect, upright, feared God, eschewed evil and offered burnt offerings on behalf of his sons and daughters too. He had the desire to please God. Whenever God looked at Job and his family, Job wanted God to be happy without any complaint.

Many a times we ask God in prayer to protect us and our possessions taking Job as an example. However, we fail to live a life that Job lived to please God. Moreover very few of us ask for spiritual protection, many ask for physical protection. Living a life like Job promises us His protection, but does not mean that we live a life void of troubles. Job was the most tormented person. It was God who lifted the hedge, to showcase how faithful His servant is.

Firstly, we do not live a life that pleases God, thereby we do not have any hedge about us. Secondly, we keep blaming others for our negligence. Job came across a series of troubles, but never blamed the Sabeans, fire, Chaldeans, great wind, instead he understood the sovereign authority of the living God and worshipped Him. When you encounter troubles even after you live a life that is pleasing to God, do not blame God or the people, but praise God and worship Him.

Love to have self-control by building spiritual walls to restrict unwanted things that disturb your peace.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.