Walk Of Life – Day 27, December 2021 – The Names of Lord Jesus Christ
Holy One
But you denied the Holy One and the Just, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you – Acts 3:14
Once in an Inter college competition specific guidelines was given for solo and group singing competition that there should not be any spiritual songs of other faith rather than about the gods being worshiped in the premises of that campus which are idols. A believer boy who has the talent of singing and music wanted to make use of the opportunity to bring glory to the Lord and so he prayed and started to compose a song. On the day of the competition he performed very well and it was very clear to the audience and to the judges that he only deserves to get the first prize. But there was a controversial confusion among the three judges where two of the judges wanted him to receive the first prize but whereas the last judge argued that he did not sing as per following the guidelines as he sang the song in praise of Lord Jesus Christ. The believer boy was blamed for not singing as per the guidelines for which he answered back that he has not mentioned the word Jesus Christ anywhere in the song. For that the arguing judge said you have used the word “Holy one” and who else is holy rather than Jesus Christ. This is a song in Tamil and it really exalts our Lord who alone deserves to be called as Holy. For whom alone this title Holy one fits in perfectly as there is no sin in Him.
He was conceived by the Holy spirit and lived a holy life. 1 John 3: 5 says But you know that Christ appeared to take away sins, and in Him there is no sin.
2 Corinthians 5:21 says For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
The title “Holy One of God” means that Jesus is infinitely and absolutely holy, fully and perfectly divine. He is transcendent and majestic. He came down from above to save sinners, yet He is set apart from sinners in that He is completely sinless, without any moral blemish, perfect in all of His ways. His being is holy. His character is holy. His mind is holy. His motives are holy. His words are holy. His actions are holy. His ways are holy. His judgments are holy. From the top of His head to the bottom of His feet, every inch, every ounce, the totality, the sum and the substance of the second person of the Godhead is equally holy with God the Father.
No doubt Isaiah’s use of this title flowed out of his encounter with the living God, recorded in Isaiah 6, when he went into the temple and saw the Lord, high and lifted up, and the seraphim surrounding the throne, crying out to one another day and night, “Holy, holy, holy,” declaring by their repetition that God is the holiest being, supreme in His holiness in the entire created order.
Such a holy God expects us to be holy. He has given us a commandment that Just as I am holy, you also be holy. As we draw nigh towards the end of this year let us examine ourselves and let us be made holy by the washing of our sins through the sprinkling of His blood. May Our Lord Jesus Christ, who alone is glorious in holiness make us holy and preserve us faultless and blameless.