Published On: Thu, Jan 28th, 2021

Walk of Life, Day 27 – January 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs


Proverbs 27:23 “Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds.”

An article about shepherding says that ‘sheep are hopeless without a shepherd.’ Sheep need constant attention of their shepherd. So, the shepherd who has a flock to look after cannot live carelessly without taking care of his sheep not even for a day.

The above verse tells us to be diligent in knowing the state of our flocks and to look well of our herds. Where are our flocks and herds?

Our flock and our herd is the church, the body of Christ. We, as the children of God are not only His sheep, but also His ministers ministering to the sheep that are lost. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd as we read in 1 Peter 5:4. He has appointed each one of us as His minister, to work through us. He has placed a burden in our hearts to look after His flock and to attend to their spiritual and physical needs.

Do you feel the burden placed by God in you?

What is the burden that God has placed in you and me?

A man of God hath shared an illustration. The day when the Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, angels gave a grand welcome to Him. They asked Him,” Lord, we praise you and worship you for the wonderful work which you have done on the earth. If you allow, we will go and do the follow up ministry.” Lord Jesus said,” No it is not needed. I have my children on the earth, to whom I have given the charge to take up the follow up ministry.”

What made Him trust in such unprofitable, disloyal servants that He gave this valuable ministry into our hands, but not to angels? God’s plans are higher than our thoughts.

The burden that the Lord Jesus Christ has placed in the hearts of His children is to ‘save the lost’. It is His burden which made Him to come to this world. The Lord Jesus Christ came to this world to save the perishing souls. After His ascension He gave us that responsibility to share the good news of prepared salvation to the sheep who are still lost, blinded by the cares of this world.

How do we take up this responsibility?

The life of a child of God is not an escalator, but is a staircase. In an escalator you just need to step on the first step and automatically the steps start moving and drop you at the end. Whereas, in a staircase, you need to climb every step to reach the end. We all, by the grace of God have been saved from the eternal fire and have become the children of God. Many of us think this as the ultimate step in their spiritual walk. They are like the ones who climb first step and wait for the staircase to move. Sadly, they end up standing on the same step throughout their life.

Once you are become a child of God, you are His minister. We should look at Him who is standing before us, showing us His way on which we need to walk. We need to share the good news of salvation to the people who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ. When we talk about ministry, most of us think we need to stand amidst a gathering and open our mouth and share our views. However, there are many ways in which you can share the gospel.

  1. Praying: When you know that many people around you, your family, friends have not known the Lord Jesus Christ, the first thing that we all must do is to pray for them. Make a list of their names and pray at least once in a day.
  2. Inviting: You can invite your friends and family to gospel meetings.
  3. Sharing: When you are led by the Spirit of God do not hesitate to share about the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Share with them about your experience with the Lord Jesus Christ.
  4. Living: It is evident that we are the Bibles that people read. People observe us, the way we lead our life should show the Lord Jesus Christ.

These are just few basic ways. However, there are many ways in which God uses you to be His minister.

Dear brother and sister, do you even care about the burden that has been placed by the Lord Jesus in you? Have you been in a fake illusion that just being saved is enough and you are to do nothing more?

God wants you to be diligent towards His flock. He wants you to learn from Him at every step and also wants to reward you for your willingness to work for Him and according to Him.

NEW YEAR RESOLUTION: Dear Lord Jesus, I have been reluctant in doing the ministry that you have given for me to do. I admit my passive sustenance in your fellowship. I determine to work as you desire. I wait upon you and be diligent in ministering towards your children. I thank you for adorning me with the salvation and I determine to pray for the perishing souls. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

“If soul winning was your job, would you still be employed?” Pause and think.




About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.