Walk Of Life – Day 27, July 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Be Diligent
Be Diligent To Know The State Of Your Flocks
Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds – Proverbs 27:23
This verse fits in very well into any kind of situation. May it be, in a family or at work or in the ministry. Let’s just analyse some random examples.
A renowned christian educationist runs around four to five schools and most of the parents longed to get admission for their children in those schools and they don’t mind to make their wards commute long distances everyday. So buses endorsed with that school’s name or very frequent in national highway both in the morning and in the evening. Suddenly one morning every news channel started telecasting about the death of a small girl who slipped down through the hole that was in the school’s van that she commuted that day and that hole was covered. A huge loss to the family. Whoever might be the cause the first person to get arrested was the principal of the school. When investigated it was revealed that some of his relatives hold the responsibility of the transportation and he never sneaks into it. The consequences of it are many besides the loss of a precious life.
Michael Jackson, dubbed as the King of Pop, was also the king of debt. Despite a $65 million recording deal with Sony, at the time of his death Jackson’s personal debts ranged between $400-500 million. Jackson’s shrewd purchase of a music catalogue that contained the copyrights to some of the most well-known songs in history helped keep him afloat, but his purchase of Neverland Ranch for $14.5 million, coupled with his legal troubles, led Jackson deeper into debt. Jackson borrowed large sums of money and is said to have spent $20-30 million more than he earned per year.
From the scripture we can take numerous examples who did not attend to their own family. As Samuel ages, he repeats Eli’s error and appoints his own sons to succeed him. Like Eli’s sons, they turn out to be greedy and corrupt (1 Sam. 8:1-3). Disappointing sons of great leaders is a recurrent theme in Samuel and Kings. (The tragedy of David’s son Absalom occupies the bulk of 2 Samuel chapters 13-19, to which we will return. See “David’s Dysfunctional handling of family conflict leads to civil war (2 Samuel 13-19)”.) It reminds us that the work of parenting is as challenging as every other occupation but far more emotionally intense. No solution is given in the text, but we can observe that Eli, Samuel, and David seem to have given their troubled children many privileges but little paternal involvement.
A well renowned educationist and distinguished principal who did not attend to all the areas of running a school, The king of pop who did not refer to his accounts before purchasing or spending, a successful priest, prophet and a King whose star still remains on the Flag of Israel did not take care of their own children are all the lessons that teaches us strongly that we have to be very very diligent in knowing the state of our flocks.
Revelation 1:6 says that Christ has “made us kings and priests unto God.” A King has to govern all the responsibilities. A king has to be an expert in all the proportions. Just like that we cannot boast that Christ has made us kings and priests. Know about your family, know about your students, know about your possessions, know about your product, know about the church and to be aware of everything we need the wisdom of Our Lord. May our Lord fill us with His wisdom and make us diligent.