Walk Of Life – Day 27, May 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – MAY
Whoever keeps the fig tree will eat its fruit; So he who waits on his master will be honored. Proverbs 27 : 18
In this proverb King Solomon compares the benefit of keeping the fig tree to the one who waits for His Master. An important deep truth to learn from the nature. Keeping the fig tree means watching over it, tending it and protecting it. Right from planting it he takes care of that with utmost care by watering it, manuring it, keeping it away from bugs and so on. He watches it carefully and if there is a flower that has blossomed in it, takes much care of it as he starts awaiting from the fruit. For very sure, he will eat the fruit and the taste of it will be splendid to him and he will be overjoyed.
The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops – 2 Timothy 2:6; the laborer is worthy of his wages.- Luke 10:7 The implication of the analogy is that whoever keeps the fig tree well will receive its award. In the same way whoever waits on the Master will be honoured. Luke 12 : 36 says “Then you will be like servants waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks, they can open the door for him at once.
Who will open the door quickly might be at the first ring itself or with any other sounds? It is he who waits for the person who will be back or the one one who has promised to be back.
Revelation 22:12 clearly confirms “behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. Are we waiting for the Master’s return? It is sure that our Master will return in the clouds of glory and much more sure is that He brings the reward along with Him for those who wait for His coming.
While I was very young I used to be scared of the time that my dad will return back from work. as I would not have finished the task that he had asked me to finish. So i will very much desire for him to return back late. In the same way those who have not finished the task that our Lord has assigned or who would not have lived in line with His standards will not wait for His return. Vice versa, those who do His blessed will and finish the task given by Him are those who wait for Him eagerly and for sure they will receive the honour. What a blessed day that will when My Jesus I shall see!