Published On: Thu, Aug 27th, 2020

Walk of Life, Day 28 – August 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.

Whoever robs their father or mother and says, “It’s not wrong,” is partner to one who destroys. Proverbs 28:24

During your school days, who accompanied you for a Parents-Teachers Association (PTA meeting), who has seen you fall and helped you rise up, who took care of you when you were sick, who prepared  your favorite dish, who wiped your tears every time your fought with a friend, or who fed you, clothed you, and loved you unconditionally .  Like a sapling that needed its  care to become a plant, then a big tree which gives shade,  our parents give us birth and protect us and help us in every way with utmost love and care.

During the stages of a plant, it is very easy to break or cut off its branches, it can also be tied up and can be helped to grow straight so that it can grow into a tall, strong tree.  As teens, you need to allow your parents to shape you and correct you and give heed to their instruction as they have gone through your phase and they are helping you grow into a good individual, into a strong individual tree, which bears fruits.

Now a days, children are obeying their gadgets more than their parents, which could be very dangerous.  Parents need God’s wisdom to guide their children in the right way which can only be obtained at the Lord’s feet in prayer.  Our first priority is obeying God who is pleased when we obey our parents who are next to the Lord; we must honor them as it is the commandment of the Lord which comes with a blessing.  When we obey our parents and honor them, it shall be well with us and the Lord’s blessing will be in our studies or work.

I was pondering on what robbing parents could mean? It may mean actually stealing their cards or their money but I think this is much deeper. It could mean abusing family assets, showing neglect toward things gifted by your parents, squandering hard-earned money on friends, not studying to your full potential and taking everything for granted, spending lavishly on credit cards and expect parents to pay your debts, not working to your full potential, or not living up to your parents’ good reputation thus robbing the good name that they have in society. I think it  is very important to care for them. Even if we cannot be close to them, ensure that they are provided for, especially when they are old and weak as they nurtured and helped us when we were helpless as little children. Though Joseph was troubled by many situations, he came out as gold, through it all he overcame shame, hatred, sin and pleased God, and took care of his father and his entire family as God was with Joseph and blessed him to be Governor of Egypt when he grew up. Joseph is a very good example of a son who was despised by family yet took on himself the responsibility of taking care of his father and his siblings.

We should not ignore the latter part of the sentence. Robbing is wrong, because already we are in deep debt for all the love and care that they have showed us over the years. But far worse is committing the sin and justifying one’s self saying it is ok. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, what you sow you will reap. Consider the example of our Lord Jesus. He was subject to his parents in all things (Luke 2:51). Even when he was in the greatest pain on the cross, he diligently provided for his mother (Luke 19:26, 27).

“Love your parents and treat them with respect, you will know their value only when you see the empty chair.”



About the Author

- A born-again believer who loves to write and meditate deeply on the Word of God to know the heart and mind of Lord Jesus Christ. Few thoughts are shared here to bring souls to Christ and to uplift the fallen and also for me to learn first by writing whatever God speaks to me.