Walk Of Life – Day 28, February 2021, Thoughts From The Book Of Proberbs
Those who seek the Lord understand all.Proverbs 28:5
The blessing of the Lord is not just about money. It is far bigger and wider than that. It actually has everything to do with Who God really is. It has to do with His character, His nature and His ways of doing things. It is in the creative nature of God to bless. God reveals Himself to us always, through what He does in blessing us and our world.
He is the Blessed One, Who has blessed us with all things (2 Corinthians 9:8). The blessing is about the efficacy of God’s promises to us through His word. God’s word will do what it says He will do for you, if you will receive it and believe it.
His word therefore becomes your source of strength, as you are passing through the trials and tests of your faith. As long as you remain diligent in meditating on the word of God about the blessing, while applying the truth in it prayerfully to your personal life; then you will be empowered to bless others. This is how you become prosperous with the abundance from your Father, in the revelation of the truth that sets people free (John 8:31-32).
As David once said:
“For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance.” Psalm 66:10-12
A place of abundance is your final destination, as you are persevering through the trials and tests of your faith. The blessing therefore works wherever the truths, about God’s promises are being revealed, for you to navigate your pathway through it. You can use every problem in your life, as a stepping stone into greater heights with God. There is no limit to what God has in store for you. That’s why you should always rejoice when troubles comes your way as a Christian (James 1:1-6). The more problems comes your way, the more opportunities abound for you in God to be prosperous.
Wisdom and understanding will get you there
You will always need to use the wisdom of God, that comes to you in the midst of your trials of faith, to prosper yourself. You prosper by practically applying every wisdom from God into your life, and into every situation that confronts you.
Every believer in Christ is a carrier of God’s wisdom. But not every believer has the understanding, to be able to apply the wisdom in them to prosper themselves.
Today we do live in a world that is off the edge. That’s how you do know, that you need godly wisdom to be able to make it. But godly wisdom without getting to know, its proper application for living is useless. Get it at all cost. You will always need it to succeed. Your ability to prosper is in the understanding, of the proper application by faith of the wisdom of God in you.
Whatever happens in our life we are indeed able to say “All things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose” and this is because. we are indeed blessed with Understanding