Published On: Fri, May 28th, 2021

Walk Of Life -Day 28, May 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – MAY


Evil men do not understand justice, But those who seek the Lord understand all. – Proverbs 28 : 5

A teacher can easily divide her students into three. The first set will be those who grasp everything instantly. Followed by those who need to be made to understand with few examples and the final set of students are those who need lot of individual attention and a lot of extra hard work. Just exactly like these divisions at school Some cannot figure out simple issues. Others fully grasp everything? Which are you? Unable to understand anything? Or understanding all things?

Natural man is evil and blind. He does not know right or wrong. He is so corrupt by sin and Satan, he cannot see or think straight. He perverts everything he thinks about. By your first birth, you are a natural man, walking in darkness like everyone else (Ep 2:1-3). Instead of his Creator, man has worshipped stumps, snakes, and bugs (Is 44:9-20; Rom 1:23).

Understanding means to comprehend and grasp the nature or importance of some thing. Evil men cannot comprehend what is just and right – they cannot understand judgment. They cannot truly see what is right or wrong in moral and other matters, because their hearts are blinded. Their hatred of God and His commandments distorts their judgment.

Those who seek the LORD fear Him, keep His commandments, read His Word, and pray for wisdom. God’s Spirit inside them assists their new man by regeneration to know all things (Job 32:8; I Jn 2:20). They understand all things, both of this world and of the world to come. Those who seek the Lord even have the mind of the Lord (I Cor 2:15-16).

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and understanding (Pr 1:7; 9:10; Ps 111:10). Knowing God is the foundation for all right thinking. Without the worldview of a holy Creator, the depraved human heart has no boundaries to restrain its selfish imaginations, twisted hallucinations suggested by the devil, the world’s wicked inventions hurled at them every day, or some combination of these three sources of evil together.

Man is insane apart from the fear of God. Without the constraint of divine wisdom, he will not think rightly. He destroyed his sound reasoning in Eden, when he was discontent with being very good in a very good world. He wanted to be like God, so he rebelled against God. He ruined everything. He died that day in spiritual understanding (Ge 2:17).

Do you seek the LORD? Do you tremble before His Word and its words? Do you beg Him for light and understanding? Do you consider Him and His will for every decision? Is He your everlasting Portion? Is Heaven your favorite destination? Is righteousness as He has defined it your moral code of conduct? Is holiness the beauty of the universe?

Then you will find the understanding of all things. You will know where man came from, his whole duty in life, the basis for productive relationships, peace that passes understanding, the forgiveness of sins by Jesus Christ, the coming Day of Judgment, and the hope of eternal glory. All this and everything else will be easy for you to understand.

May Our Lord help us to understand His will.

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.