Published On: Sun, Sep 27th, 2020

Walk of Life – Day 28, September 2020 – Thoughts From The Book of Proverbs

Proverbs 28:5 “…: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.”

How good, simple, and easy our lives would be if we understood everything. Is it not? Most of the students give a common excuse when they fail or score less marks in their exams. They say that they could not understand what was taught to them. This is true. We cannot do a task when we do not understand the way to do it. Just like the way we need to understand the rules of the game before we play it, we need to have understanding on various aspects of our life to lead it.

In the above verse, we read that for them that seek the Lord there is nothing that they can not understand. Our source of understanding is the CREATOR himself.

Once a group of young boys were going to a remote place on vacation by a newly bought car. While they were on their way their car stopped all of a sudden and they were not able to start the car. They tried every means to start it but they failed. It was getting dark, just then a car which was passing along the same road which stopped on seeing these young boys. An old man got down the car and came to these boys. After he heard about the trouble, they had with their car, he gently opened the bonnet and fixed few wires and the car started. These young boys were surprised and questioned the man,” Sir, we tried many times and many things but the car did not start. How could you do it so fast, moreover so easily?” The man smiled and replied,” Do you have the manual which you got while purchasing this car ? If you go through it, you can fix or find help in fixing such troubles further. I am an engineer who worked in building the car that you own.”

Most of the times we feel that our life like a magnet is attracting all troubles. There are few who even blame God and question in different ways saying, “Where is God? What is He doing? Why is it me always? How long will this last?”

My dear friend, all these questions are of no use. They bring you no help. You need to seek the Lord in His word and in prayer to understand all things. When you start looking into the only manual designed for our life, that is the holy Bible, you will understand that whatever might be happening in our lives, all things work together for good to them that love God as said in Romans 8:28.

May you seek the Lord and get all the understanding which keeps you away from evil thoughts.


About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.