Walk of Life – Day 28 – September 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
Step in to Hearken to God’s Word
If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction,
even their prayers are detestable. Proverbs 28:9 NIV
Prayer is a weapon for a believer in this dark world. Can you imagine life how difficult life without prayer would be? Without divine help…getting into trouble, falling into a mess, and trying to declutter everything on our own without any help.. it would be virtually impossible…it is so difficult for a believer to live without prayer. Prayer becomes a habit and also it is like breath to a believer, God’s child. What makes our prayers unanswered?
In the Bible, in many places, it talks about prayer; the Lord Jesus is a prayer answering God. He desires our prayers, he wants us to be very close to him and depend on him for each and everything in our life. Our father would be very pleased to see us sitting at his feet. At the same time when sin enters a believer’s heart, his prayers are hindered. The Word of God speaks about it very clearly. God’s word is is a lamp unto our feet, it is the light to show us the path in this dark world. In the world, where right is treated as wrong and wrong is treated as right, we need divine guidance and help and the Lord’s protection. Proverbs 2 talks about our own wisdom, we should never trust our own understanding or our own wisdom if we do so, the Bible calls us as fools. Listening to God and his wisdom and following his path is what God expects from us.
Let us make it a habit to read the Word of God daily, not just read His Word but also study His Word. Let the Word of God dwell richly in our hearts and be written on the tablet of our hearts. For all our questions, our doubts, our anxieties, let us turn to God’s Word for our every need. It is very important to not only have knowledge about God’s Word but also to obey it in our daily walk. It is easy to be preaching the word of God but not practicing it. We who speak about love, humility, and forgiveness must truly be humble and loving and forgiving or our prayers may never reach His throne. Learn to walk the talk…to live the Bible. It is possible only by the Lord’s help.