Published On: Wed, Aug 3rd, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 3, August 2022 – Thoughts From The Book of Psalms

Psalm 25

This is a Psalm of David. The rapport that David had with the Lord is something amazing. He pleads with Him and asks Him many things like,

1. Let me not be ashamed
2. Let not my enemies gain victory over me.
3. Let no man who trusts you be ashamed.
4. Let those who sin without cause be ashamed.
5. Show me Lord your ways
6. Teach me Lord your paths.
7. Lead me in your truth and teach me.
8. Remember your tender mercies and your loving kindness
9. Forgive my sins and they are very great
10. Turn me into you
11. Have mercy upon me
12. Bring me out of my distresses
13. Look upon my affliction
14. Forgive all my sins.
15. Consider my enemies who are many.
16. Keep my soul and deliver me.
17. Let me not be ashamed
18. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me.
19. Redeem Israel out of all his troubles.
20. Remember me for your goodness sake.

The praising points mentioned in this Psalm are

1. Unto you o Lord I lift up my soul.
2. You are the God of my salvation.
3. You alone are the one on whom I wait.
4. Your mercies and your loving kindness have been for ages.
5. Good and upright is the Lord.
6. Our Lord will teach the sinners in their own way.
7. He will guide the meek in judgement.
8. He will teach the meek His way.
9. The paths of the Lord are mercy and truth.
10. The Lord shall teach the way to the one who fears Him.
11. The Lord will show His covenant and His secret to the one who fears Him.
12. He shall pluck my feet out of the net.

Shall we also praise our merciful Lord along with the psalmist and plead to Him as He pleads.

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.