Published On: Tue, Feb 14th, 2023

Walk Of Life – Day 3, February 2023 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Palm 127 – Let God Build Your Life

 This is the eighth psalm of the Song of Ascent series which is written by King Solomon. Here he emphasizes on the importance of including God in all aspects of life. ‘Nisi Dominus Frusta’ a Latin motto comes from the first words of this psalm and means ‘Without the Lord, all is useless or in vain.’ It is the motto of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, appearing on its crest, and is affixed to the city’s official documents. It could be attached to the lives of many who are trying to live their lives without the Almighty.

Include God In Work Life

  • King Solomon knew what it is to build a house and guard a city and understood that without God’s blessing all efforts are futile. When he said, ‘all in vain’, his intention is not to discourage anyone from hard work but it is to forbid one from fixing their trust in what they do and assures that all efforts will be in vain unless the Creator puts forth his power to make it fruitful. By working hard one can surely put food on the table but only by God’s grace find satisfaction and contentment which brings joy and health to the family.
  • One might think by working more they can do better for themselves without realizing that when men’s reliance is on their own work, gives them the anxiety that comes with it. Solomon whose name was Jedidiah meaning ‘Beloved of Jehovah’ was responsible for the construction of the temple would have lost sleep due to the challenges that came with work. But trust in God enabled him to sleep in peace knowing that God’s hand is at work and His eye watches even as his children sleep.

 Include God In Family Life

  • Work is definitely means of making an earning but it is not what defines him. Man is identified by his family, when alone he is identified with his father, after marriage he shares this identity with his wife and after becoming a father he is identified with his children.
  • Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1Kings 11:3) but only three of his children are mentioned in the Bible, his son Rehoboam (1Kings 11:43) and daughters Taphath and Basemath (1Kings 4:11,15)
  • Solomon referred that children were like arrows in the hand of a warrior which need to be aimed, given direction and guided skillfully to reach the mark. Sharpening the arrows and caring for it is the duty of the warrior, else its cause is lost and it misses the target.
  • As the arrows protect the warrior, so the godly man need not be afraid, when blessed with children in youth who when guided grow to take prominent and influential places in the communities, will later become their comfort in old age.

 This psalm reminds us to maintain a healthy balance in workplace and family and allow God to build your life in all areas, so that you will be upright and be honored among the people around you.


About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30