Published On: Wed, Jun 2nd, 2021

Walk of Life – Day 3 – June 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Fear Not

Fear Not – The Lord is thy confidence

For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken. Proverbs 3:26

When we recruit new people for a company or when an interviewer is interviewing someone for a job, they see how self-confident the person is. We all define a good personality as one who believes in himself/herself and is confident about what they can do or accomplish. No one wants to recruit an insecure person with no confidence in one’s abilities or talents or accomplishments. Here Solomon is speaking of a greater confidence, lets call it God-confidence, confidence in the mighty, eternal, wonderworking, miracle-doing, loving, gracious, compassionate God, the ruler of heaven and earth. I am what I am only by the grace of God, my talents, my capabilities, my accomplishments are only because He gave me breath in my nostrils and the grace to live each day. The Lord is my confidence, my strength, my hope, and my everything.

Do not be afraid, because you can be always confident that He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world. You can be confident that the storms and darkness of this life will soon be past and we will have an eternal weight of glory. You can always be confident that no matter who stands by you and supports you, your divine advocate is ever interceding before your Heavenly Father in heaven. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me, all things, big and small, hard and easy, challenging and trivial…every single task is doable because my confidence is not in man but in the living God. I can walk boldly in the darkness, hold my head up high in every turbulent situation, be firm, calm, and strong in the face of calamity, because I am never alone…He is by my side, always, every minute, every second. You cannot see me upset, worried, or frustrated because my trust is in the living God. He never disappoints me, he never speaks ill of me, He never betrays or denies me, He never is judgmental of me, He is a loving dad who loves me, corrects me, guides me, and strengthens me in life’s journey. I can safely trust in His care, rest in His arms, stay calm and confident in His tender embrace. He will hold me when I fall, carry me if I cannot walk, make rivers in the wilderness, and a way where there seems to be no way. Why would I ever fear with such a powerful, faithful Savior by my side in life’s journey. Are we God-confident my friend. Do we have that calm assurance that no matter what…ALL things will work together for good and good alone. The Lord will never fail us nor forsake us.

God-confidence, leads to selflessness, love, sacrifice, and gratitude. Selflessness, because our gaze is fixed on the Lord. Love, because we really do not understand why God gave His life for us. Sacrifice, because it is not how much we receive that matters but how we give to the Giver. Gratitude, as we are grateful to be controlled and governed by a loving Savior.

God-confidence, you see, means that whenever we look at a task before us, we lift up our eyes, and start moving ahead.  It is God who works in us to do what he wants to do. It is God who made, makes, and will make us.

“I don’t know if or when I’ll end my struggle with self-doubt. But thanks to my father, who followed his Father, I know exactly what I have to keep doing. Wherever you are today, don’t look at yourself. Your Father sees you. God is looking. And he’s called us to never look back. So, keep your eyes fixed on the power, promises, and perfection of God. Everything rests on him. What use is self-confidence in a world that isn’t governed by selves? But what greatness in God-confidence because the world moves at his words! Keep looking up. – Pierce Taylor Hibbs”



About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name