Walk of Life, Day 30- April,2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. Don’ts
Proverbs 30:6 “Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”
‘Adding to the word of God’ is one of the phrases which brings jitters. No one would dare to challenge God or mess with the Almighty. However, being in such inherited, traditional fear, many fellow believers and people who call themselves ‘Christian by birth’ are committing such a great mistake.
When we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our saviour, who saved us from the eternal hell fire, we are made the children of God (John 1:12). We, as His children ought to follow His commands, fulfil His desires, but should not seek self glorification. Did you ever come across a child who alters or uses the words of his/her parents to get through any situation? If at all there are children who do such a thing, they would be doing it out of their ignorance. An earthly parent would be forgiving this act. However,it is not okay with our Heavenly Father. Let us see how we are adding to the word of God.
There are at least two mistakes that come under ‘adding to the Word of God’. One is to literally mention something which is not present in the Word of God. Second is to use the Word of God to our convenience.
Trying to fit your personal opinion that comes out of your instincts into the word of God. There is a person who is a ‘Christian by birth’. One day she was asked to tell her opinion on a person who came to marry her daughter. She didn’t like the proposal as the boy did not meet all her expectations. She could have easily said no, but she chose to decorate her ‘No’ by using God. She told them the very next day that the Lord gave her a dream or a vision showing that the boy is not correct. This is how she rejected a proposal. Not just in this case, but there are many who try to make people believe that they are being led by the Word of God, wherein the reality is exactly opposite.
We read about false prophets in the Word of God. In Ezekiel 13:6 we read that the false prophets utter lies and expect God to fulfil their word. Just to fulfil your desire, just to satisfy the people around you, do not use the name of the Lord in vain.
Our God is not a cruel master or a dictator. He has given us the free will to choose between His will and our will. He will never force you to do His will. However, safety lies only in doing God’s will. Even if you choose to do your own will, He will keep waiting for you to repent and return. That is His love.
Do not try to modify the Word of God or recreate your visions or dreams as Lord’s command to fulfil your purposes.
A fear that comes as an inheritance or as a tradition never helps you to see where you are going wrong. The fear of the Lord comes only when you truly know Him and have a personal encounter with Him. Today if you find yourself exploiting the Word of God, may be you have not known Him personally or you might have lost your connect with Him.
Deaf friend, there is still time to repent and ask the Lord to repair your damaged soul. Accept Him to be your Lord and Saviour and as a good child of His obey His word as it as. Do not try to escape or please people. It is the Lord Jesus who is going to reprove you. When he reproves and you are found to be a liar, it is dangerous then. Try to please God, try to fulfil His plans, but do not ask Him to act according to your word.
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I humbly bring myself to your presence seeking for your grace. Lord, forgive me for going according to my own opinion and entitling it as your will. I have exploited your Word many times to fulfil my desires. Please forgive me and restore me. Amen