Published On: Sun, Oct 30th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 30, October 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 82 – Earthly Judges Stand Before The Great Judge To Be Judged

This psalm is composed by Asaph who was a great singer, musician and a prophet in David and Solomon’s era (1 Chronicles 25:1). In this psalm Asaph points out that God is the one who judges justly and He will not spare the leaders who were appointed to shepherd his people for their unjust and ungodly actions.

  • Judges and Leaders represent God – Asaph starts by calling the Judges as gods as they were appointed to exercise something of his power in the right ordering of human society. They administered his will as his executive agents. During the time of Asaph, the poor and the fatherless were often the targets of unfair treatment. It was the job of the judges to defend them and to do justice to the afflicted and needy. But they terribly failed to do so, instead they supported the rich.
  • Warning to these Judges by the Prophet – Asaph confronted these judges through this psalm to remind them that God has shown mortal men what is good. “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” Micah 6:8. He also wanted to remind them that God is above all and He will punish these unjust judges. They shall become old, sick, weary and die and be buried like others and will be judged like any other common man.
  • The Prophet waits for the Great Judge – This psalm ends with a prayer pleading God to rise up and take their place as the ultimate Judge to protect the interest of the poor, fatherless and the needy widows. If God has kept you in a responsible position like a team leader, a parent, an elder or a pastor to a congregation, know that He has made you their caretaker. Duties don’t stop at administrational work and solving issues at hand, but it extends to taking care of their emotional wellbeing which can only be done by using positive words of appreciation, listening, sharing your experiences and talking with them in light of the scriptures.

If you fail to nurture his sheep, in the last days the whole earth shall see the Great Judge, the Messiah enthroned, and all unrighteous rulers and leaders broken like pottery under his iron scepter. Although it is a terrifying moment for the wicked, the second coming is still earth’s brightest hope. Come quickly, even so, come, Lord Jesus.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30