Published On: Mon, Feb 1st, 2021

Walk of Life, Day 31- January 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.


Proverbs 31:29” Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.”

In a school, all the X standard students have passed their board exam. However, only a student’s photograph was published in the paper as well as a big hoarding with the student’s photograph was displayed in the city. Board exam was conducted to test if the students are eligible to go further for their higher studies, then why did the management highlight only a student’s profile, while every student passed through the exam? It is because that particular student has not just passed through the exam, but has also stood first amongst all her batchmates.

As believers it is not enough if we are born again and have become the children of God, our savior the Lord Jesus Christ wants excellence in our lives. Many a times we live in a wrong illusion thinking there are many greater people than us, so it is okay if we just sit back and listen to what others say, look at others work for Christ, pray for them sitting happily at home.

We read in the above verse, there are many daughters who have done virtuously. Every child of God is precious and unique in God’s sight. When God himself is looking at you, why do you look yourself as one in the group, but not as the only one in the group. This does not mean that every believer should be bossing over the others in the church. To look at you as the only one means that you are ready and available for God to work with you.

Praying, reading the word of God regularly are the most important works to be done by a believer on a regular basis. When you read the word of God, you get instructions from the Lord to lead your life, and when you pray, that is, you ask and receive the things. After receiving instructions from the word of God, what should be our next step? Our next step is to implement that instruction. Many of us do the first step perfectly, that is, we read the Holy Bible regularly. However, when it comes to implementation, we fail. The moment we close our bibles, we close our duties as well. It is like an officer who receives transfer orders from the higher authority, but locks those orders in cupboard and continues to stay in that same old place.

When God is speaking with you through His word, when you are being assigned with His work, do not turn your back, or stay quiet. It is your duty to place yourself in action. Only then will you excel as Lord wants you to. We pray for strength and good health, God blesses us with the same, but why? Receiving strength and good health from Him we are supposed to work for Him, not to use it for our own works.

We all know it very well that God has been taking us through different journeys in our spiritual walk. The troubles that you face might be different from the ones that your friend faces. The work that is assigned to you is different from the work assigned to your friend. When God clearly tells in His word in Isaiah 43:1 that He has called you by your name and also, He says that you are His possession. It is an individual calling not a group recruitment. After knowing how special you are to Him, do you still feel common? Do you not think that you need to look at Him, to know from Him what is His purpose for you in your life?

Only when you know the purpose that God has for you in your life,
you will start excelling in your life. That day, when we all gather before Him, He says,” Excellent child of mine!” With the series of new beginnings, let us turn to be the excellent children of God.

NEW YEAR RESOLUTION: Dear Lord Jesus, I am willing to be working for your glory. I will no longer be a passive child who just receives but does not give any result. Please, work in me and through me for your glory alone. Lead me in the path to achieve excellence in my spiritual walk. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.