Walk of Life – Day 5 – July 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Be Diligent
Be Diligent to Build your Home and Family
Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Proverbs 5:18
This is a topic less spoken about and when we were younger was never openly spoken or written about. In today’s day and age, relationship outside of marriage has become very common. I dread that we will reach a day when it will be openly accepted in society and those having a faithful relationship in marriage will be looked with contempt. Looking around at so many broken homes and families feels really odd and distressing.
What is the secret of a happy and successful marriage?
Eccl 4:12 – A threefold cord cannot be easily broken.
Christ as the head and the husband and wife form a bond that cannot be broken easily. A family life built on the Word of God and prayer will stand strong against all the viles of the wicked one. It is important to hold on to the Lord, to His Word and stay firmly rooted in Christ. “I will begin my day on my knees with my spouse with the Word of God and end my day on my knees with the Word of God” is one of the vows we are made to repeat in our assemblies. Whatever be the fight, the argument, the misunderstanding, it becomes null at the feet of Jesus.
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
The main cause of so many broken marriages is ego. Each of us always think we are right. We think we make no mistakes. It is very difficult to let go. many a times, in marriage, you may need to say sorry even if you are not wrong. Love covers all sins…love is not puffed up. The whole chapter on love I Corinthians 13 speaks of letting go and preferring others above my self. I am nothing in myself. I depend on Christ and Christ alone. I will not glory in all this. I will glory in Christ. We are bound to have disagreements, we are bound to have quarrels, but we can yet be good and kind to each other. Respect your spouse. Physical abuse in marriage is not acceptable. You can use the rod on your child not on your spouse no one gave you the right to do it. Harsh words, bad language, abusive words, hurting words…is totally completely unacceptable. So please be kind loving and good to your spouse.
Each home is a mini-church
Love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. Your home is a mini church. If you show love in your home, walk according to the Word of God, hold on and cling on to Him, you will be that light to a darkened world, that beacon of hope. Christ will be seen through your life and through your home. Your family should show forth Christ, each member in the family. The first priority in your life should be your home and family. Many people say that they are busy in the ministry but neglect their homes and families. The Lord says take care of this little church I have given you first and then the rest will follow.
Be diligent to build a happy home and a blessed family. Psalm 128