Walk of Life, Day 6 – July 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
Proverbs 6:4 Allow no sleep to your eyes, no slumber to your eyelids. (NIV)
Now a days we get tired so fast can you guess why? Our brain is continuously at work thinking about the pandemic around us and economy and future and what not.. many these days suffer depression and worry, losing all our energy seeking some rest. We also get tired doing actually petty jobs at home or work.
This is probably because the mind is constantly under stress. We are mentally drained worrying, being anxious, or just generally the negativity around us is taking its toll on us.
Sleep is good to regain our overall health. Doctors also advice rest and for few ailments, we need to rest enough to get better. However, once we get accustomed to rest, we find difficult to get back to our normal routine of work. Our biological clock, once trained in a certain manner gets used to that routine, and we tend to sleep and wake up at that time on a regular basis. An haphazard schedule will confuse our biological system and may be difficult for us to be back on track when we have to.
Matthew 26:36-46
Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. Mathew 26.40.
The Lord had asked Peter, James, and John in the garden of Gethsemane to pray along with him as He went aside to pray alone. Twice He asked them to watch and pray but they failed to stay awake and to pray with him for an hour. They were very tired maybe they did not know the seriousness of the situation and that it was the Lord Jesus’ hour of betrayal. In 2011, when my Dad was to undergo a surgery, I remember I prayed the whole night on my knees for the operation to be successful and by Gods abundant grace and by the prayers of many saints it was successful. I was troubled so much that I prayed all night as I knew the scheduled time of the surgery.
Maybe if the disciples also knew the hour of the Lord’s deliverance into the hands of sinners, they would have prayed with much burden. If they were in prayer as the Lord asked them, God the Father would have strengthened them and prepared them. The Bible records that they all fled and Peter followed afar off. They were not prepared for this situation as they did not watch in prayer. On the other hand, the Lord Jesus knew that His betrayer was coming and the hour of Him being delivered into the hands of sinners has come as He had a close relation with the Father alone. (Mathew 26:46)
“Don’t forget to pray today because God did not forget to wake you up this morning” (Unknown)
“When life gets too tough to stand, kneel”
- We need to pray if you do not have a habit of praying, you need start with an hour, invest at least one hour in prayer.
- Maintain a prayer diary
- Make a list of prayer points and strike off or add it in the praise points list.
Not even for a moment has the Lord closed his eyes or ears to our prayers. There is so much of pain, suffering, trials, and tribulation in and around. It should give us the burden to pray more. Most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon, we need to keep our lamps burning and watch and pray that we may not fall into temptation, let our spirits be strong though our bodies are weak.
Try this method of praying for at least an hour. Allow no sleep to your eyes and no slumber to your eyelids until you have waited on Him in prayer.