Walk Of Life – Day 7, August 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms.
Psalm 29
In this psalm, the psalmist David describes how powerful the voice of the Lord is. So powerful that can break cedars (strong wood), cutteth out the fire, shaketh the wilderness, maketh the hinds to calve, discovereth the forests. Such a powerful voice! Do you have the experience of listening to such a powerful voice? It is not once in an year or one time a month, on Sundays or every alternate day that we can listen to the voice of God. Irrespective of the time of the day, place where you reside, we can hear the voice of the Lord.
When we look at a person we understand that he is talking to us and with our ears we hear his voice. The voice of the Lord is in His Holy Word, The Holy Bible. How far our spiritual faculties, the eyes and the ears are able to perceive the voice of the Lord?
The voice of the Lord has been visiting the children of God, chosen by Him, from very long time in the history. Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Elijah, Peter, Paul and many others kept hearing the voice of the Lord throughout their lives. What makes these people more special from all the other people who lived along with them during their times, is not just that they heard the voice of the Lord, but also their response to the voice of the Lord.
The power of the voice of the Lord can be manifested through an obedient soul. The voice which lead Noah from flood to safety, Abraham to an amazing inheritance, Israel from being a deceiver to being chosen by the Lord, Paul from being a persecutor to a great apostle, wants to lead us magnificently if we are like them. What they all have in common is their heart to do according to God’s commands which exhibits their obedient and humble nature.
To die unto one’s own will is hard, but if done it welcomes a great joy and peace into one’s life that one might not get by doing their own will. Noah’s obedience saved him and his family from the flood, whereas his disobedience could have ended him in the waters of flood. In the new testament, the humble and obedient words of Saul,” Lord, what do you want me to do.” Turned him to become Apostle Paul, an inspiration to many generations yet to come.
My dear friend, follow God’s commands. His word is His voice, His heart. Know God’s heart by reading His word, listening to His voice that guides you. Remember the eligibility to see wonderful guidance of the powerful voice is to be humble and obedient.