Published On: Thu, Jan 7th, 2021

Walk of Life- Day 7 – January 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.


Proverbs 7:1 “My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee.”

We all have the desire to hear something new every day. We feel bored, frustrated when we happen to hear same things again and again. Even a child wants to listen to a fresh new story every night before going to bed. If you repeat a story, they will surely object saying,” Do you not know any other new story?”

Let us begin this new year with new words that would make us joyful. We read in 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” There is no doubt that we are the children of God, living in Christ. However, most of us live in Christ carrying the old baggage. We do not apply this verse in our lives in every single aspect. ‘Old things are passed away’ is a verse that we all need to understand.

What are the old words that have been troubling us and with what new words are they going to be replaced?

  1. Words of Deception – Words of Truth: We are blessed to be living in the days where we have direct access to know what God wants to speak with us. There were days in the past where people had to have a person chosen from them to become a mediator between them and God. They simply believed what the other people who were no greater than them told them. They were misled by the deceptive words of authorities. However, praise be to God who has given us His Holy Word- The Holy Bible which speaks the Truth. Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie…” 
  1. Words of Discouragement – Words of Encouragement: We might be living amongst the people who keep constantly discouraging us. In fact, it is not the person who is discouraging you, but it is the wicked one who is provoking them to do so. When you determine to follow God while obeying His every command, Satan uses his most powerful weapon of discouragement by showing you how incapable or how weak you are to do a task. However, we can always find encouragement in the Lord. Our Lord does not see your qualifications, He sees what we can never see in us. Remember the lives of Moses, David, and Jonah. Though they have admitted that they could no where match His standards, yet God used them mightily for His glory.
  2. Words of Confusion – Words of Peace: We often get confused and troubled when we give importance to the words that come from the people. They keep changing from time to time. We waste our energy in vain arguments and debates. This causes lot of chaos. If this is your state today, here is the Good News- The word of God which proclaims peace. Our God never confuses or troubles us with His Word. He just gives us peace even amidst turbulent storm. The peace that He gives can not be compared to any other source of peace, because it is everlasting.
  3. Words of fear – Words of Courage: In the Holy Bible we find the word ‘Fear not’ written 365 times. In a year we have got 365 days. This implies that every day we go through some sort of fear. Fear of future, fear of losing something dear. The word of God clearly tells us in many verses that we have nothing to fear when the Lord is with us. He has already gained victory and we are now standing on that land of victory. We are told and expected to stand with courage in the Lord Jesus.
  4. Words of Hatred – Words of Love: We all must be having some group of people in our lives who hate us to the core. Their words pierce us very badly. We find ourselves helpless and obliged to bear without any reaction sometimes. When we go through these hatred valleys just remember that you have got a person in your life who has been loving you so much right from the day you were formed in your mother’s womb. His love filled words are sealed in the Holy Bible. The seal is easy to break, only you need faith. Faith in the Lord Jesus enables you to see how much he loves you. Read the Word of God, His love letter for you.

Do you feel deceived, discouraged, confused, frightened, hated from all?

Dear friend in Christ, you have the Lord Jesus with you and in you today who wants to make you completely new. Just let go of the old things that have been affecting you in form old words as mentioned above. He has got new words of truth, encouragement, peace, courage, and love for you.

New Year Resolution: Dear Lord Jesus, I have given place for the old words to affect me and make me passive in your presence. Today I with faith let go of all the old words and embrace your Words which are filled with encouragement, peace, courage and love. Lord I believe only in your word which is true. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.