Published On: Tue, Jul 6th, 2021

Walk of Life- Day 7 – July 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs- Be Diligent

“Be diligent to keep the law as the apple of your eye.”

Proverbs 7:2” Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.”

‘Apple of your eye’ is a phrase used in the English language to denote that something or someone is so dear and precious to us. Here in the verse that we read, we see that we ought to keep the law of the Lord as the apple of our eye, which means, we must consider His word as precious.

Do we really consider the word of God as the apple of our eye? Do we show diligence in considering the word of God as the most precious thing ever? If your answer is a ‘Yes’, then Praise the Lord, and if your answer is ‘No’, even then, Praise the Lord: for now we are here to see what is stopping us lack such diligence.

There could be many reasons, out of which let us see 3 main reasons,

  1. Ignorance
  2. Disobedience
  3. Little faith

Ignorance: Ignorance, of knowing the greatness of the word of God could hinder us from keeping it with diligence. There are many who easily quote verses, but fail to realize its worth. They are ignorant of the worth of the word of God. The word of God is God- breathed (2 Timothy 3: 16-17) the very voice of God, which shows us His love, compassion towards the soul that is prepared to hear His voice. The day you realize the worth of the Word of God, you will diligently keep it as the apple of your eye. To know its worth, start meditating upon it from now.

Disobedience: We read in James 1:22, “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” There are few people who know the worth of the word of God. They hear many sermons, read the word of God regularly, but fail to practice what they have learnt or heard. They show disobedience by not following the instructions and commands given by the word of God. therefore, they do not show any diligence in keeping the law.

Little faith: We know the worth of the word of God, we regard it precious, but when we face any adverse situation, we doubt. This doubt shows our little faith. Matthew 16:8 explains the little faith beautifully. Having seen many mighty works of the Lord in your lives, do you still doubt His word? This might hinder you from keeping the word of God with all diligence.

We are to keep the Word of God as the apple of our eyes.  It is very important that the Word of God is constantly reflected in our eyes, our character, our actions, and our life; not just to get through circumstances but through your entire life. People should look into my eyes and see the reflection of the Lord, His wisdom, His life, and His love. The Word of God should not be only in my head it should also be in my heart.

“May I hold thy Law so precious dear Lord,

That nothing else seems more important to me,

May each commandment, each promise, each instruction be my most valued possession,

May I walk the talk, May I always obey thee,

May it take such deep roots, that thy love, thy joy, thy peace may flow out of my life”

Let us now re-consecrate ourselves to keep the precious, living word of God with all diligence as the apple of our eye, Amen.


About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.