Walk of Life – Day 8, October 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms
Psalm 69
O God, You know my foolishness; And my sins are not hidden from You – Psalm 69:5
When King David speaks to the Lord, there are many of his attributes that we have to learn from him and the greatest of them all is his humility. See the way he begins. Save me o God! and that is followed with a metaphor. He expresses the extent of his situation by telling that the waters have come up to the brim.
On the process of expressing his fears he suddenly jumps to the point that “Lord, you know all my foolishness and my sins are not hidden from you.” How much transparency in the relationship between him and God. Is it not true that our God knows every foolish acts of ours and also our sins?
John Newton says, “We serve a gracious Master who is able to change the mistakes that we have done for His glory and our advantage.” Then why should we be hiding our mistakes. I wonder if Adam would have had the thought that God knows everything before including his sins he would not have hidden himself rather he and his wife would have directly approached their Creator and asked for forgiveness. I’m sure the punishment would not have been this much intense. He would have embraced them for feeling sorry as how we do to our own children.
I’m sure all the parents will agree to what i say. The magnitude of anger is severe only we come to know about their mistakes on our own or through somebody else, but on the other hand if it’s being conveyed by our erred child himself or herself and added to it if there is an apology asked with tears our heart truly stumbles to become angry. I believe that our Lord, not just the Heavenly Father but also the earthly Father would have shown heaps of mercy on them reducing the burden of punishment. But what they did grieved the Lord and that’s why He had to be harsh.
My dear brothers and sisters are you thinking that God neither knows your folly nor your sin? Are you keeping quiet without telling Him? Do you have that transparent relationship with God? Our Lord is waiting to hear from you. Make this day for Him to everything from you otherwise Satan is ever ready to tell about you to Him. Don’t make Him embarrassed before Satan. We should have given a chance to our Lord to certify about us to Satan like what He did for Job.
Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”- Job 1:8
But at least we should be able to make Him say “Oh, don’t talk about my son/daughter. I know everything about his short comings as he never hides from me anything.”
Shall we do that today. May our Lord grant us the courage to tel every single unconfessed sin to Him.
29. I am poor and sorrowful;
Let Your salvation, O God, set me up on high.
30. I will praise the name of God with a song,
And will magnify Him with thanksgiving.