Walk of Life – Day 8 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Fear Not!
Fear Not…The Lord is your Counsellor
Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength. Proverbs 8:14
It is during these difficult days that I really felt the need for good counsellors. Here we are in the middle of a pandemic…suddenly someone falls ill and you have no clue what to do and where to go. The situation was so critical that there were no hospital beds also available. The best part was that everyone told you a different thing…some would say, treat at home, some would say, don’t test, some would say test…and by the end of it, you are so lost that you probably have lost precious time…that may have saved a life. I always hold on to this verse in Proverbs 3. ” In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.”
When dad was admitted in hospital a couple of years back, several people said you admitted him in the wrong hospital, you should have admitted him elsewhere. Very perturbed by different people speaking different things…I was speaking to my sister and she quoted this verse. She said, take it as a promise…did you not pray before taking this decision? You acknowledged the Lord…He will direct your paths. It is a promise! You asked Him, He will guide and give the right counsel. He will not suffer your foot to be moved…He will keep you in the right path. The Lord is the best counsellor. Do not get confused by different counsels. Place them before the Lord.
I always pray, Lord open only one door, please do not open many doors, I will not know which one to choose. The door you open no man can shut, the door you shut no man can open, and that is a promise! Please open that one door you want me to enter, be it a job, a career, a life partner or simple everyday decisions like the right doctor or hospital. he will direct, He will guide and once you have received His guidance, do not doubt. He is the Wonderful Counselor. The wisdom He imparts is sound not wavering or confused. When you pray and decide, there is a peace that passeth all understanding, the mind will be calm, composed and quietly trusting, not in a state of confusion or anxiety. Strength and understanding He will grant.
Especially during these days, while hearing testimonies of those who have lost loved ones, some so young and vibrant lives, I admire and appreciate the strength the Lord grants. This strength you really cannot see in those who do not have the hope of eternal life. Though upset and grieved at the loss, the boldness that sings, praises, and worships the Lord is truly very encouraging. This will be our portion only when the Lord is our friend and our counsellor. When you are rest assured that God is in control and He is guiding your paths, there will always be the peace and calm that He will make No mistake whatsoever. As for God, His way is perfect. Fear Not…He is in charge of the ship, through the storm through the calm, He will carry you through!!