Published On: Mon, Nov 9th, 2020

Walk of Life – Day 9 – November 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs

Wisdom has built her house; she has set up its seven pillars. (Proverbs 9:1)

Folly is an unruly woman; she is simple and knows nothing. (Proverbs 9:13)

Just imagine that you are living your life thinking that you are a wise person only to get to heaven and realize that at so many times in your life, you have truly behaved foolishly. This thought makes me feel sick. What if I have been thinking I am right, feeling good about what I am doing only to realize at the end of it all that I was wrong!

In today’s day and age we are encouraged to be confident enough to do what our mind says is right. No one tells you to continually examine your thoughts, motives, and actions. In fact, the phrase follow your heart is a hit with youngsters. I will do what I feel is good and I will be peaceful and happy. However, remember that one day when you stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ, you will not be judged by what you felt was good or what made you feel good but by what the Lord Himself felt was right and good. On that day, the Lord will be judge not you.

This chapter is divided into two clear sections – The Way of Wisdom and the Way of Folly. Or in other words, you can name one Lady Wisdom and the other Madame Folly.

Lady Wisdom (Proverbs 9:1-18)

  • Lady Wisdom is a person who builds her home and family and desires that they get the best always (verses 1-2).
  • She is not one who goes with the crowd, she follows the Lord’s standards (verses 4-6).
  • She is discerning in conversation and is not one who wastes time in baseless arguments (verses 7-8).
  • She seeks wise counsel and desires to grow in truth and wisdom (verse 9).
  • She understand that the Lord alone gives true knowledge and she looks to Him as the final authority in her life (verse 10).
  • She knows that only if she has fear and reverence toward God that she will be wise (verse 10)
  • She always has her focus on the complete picture and desires to live a life that will have no regrets

Madame Folly (Proverbs 9:13-18)

  • Madam Folly is foolish and loud. You will automatically realize if she is around (verse 13).
  • She is not interested in wise counsel, but rather, enjoys the company of foolish people (verse 16).
  • She enjoys sin and her conscience no longer pricks when she indulges in something wrong (verse 17).
  • She is focused on instant pleasure and pursues what she thinks is right regardless of the long-term consequences (verse 18).
  • She is blind to her sin and she does not realize that the path leads to destruction (verse 18).

As believers, we have almost been saturated with God’s Word. We attend numerous meetings from a very young age. But has that head knowledge actually changed to actions? Do we sincerely follow the way of wisdom, the Word of God and are we wise in all that we do. Sometimes we preach so much but fail to follow simple practical things like love and forgiveness. Our ego is so strong that simple human acts seem impossible to us. It is time to examine our lives. Are we truly following the way of wisdom?



About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name