Walk of Life – October 2021 – Day 22 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Opt to
Opt to Have a Pure Heart
One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king for a friend. Proverbs 22:11
A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart. Proverbs 21:2
In today’s day and age, weighing right has been given very great importance. You hear of weight loss programs, calculating your BMI, staying fit, exercises, fitness regimes, and to top it all, the weight loss business is booming and is definitely huge. We all want to look good, slim and trim and also to be healthy. Obesity means you will have all additional health problems. While on a diet or fitness plan a 1 kg weight gain causes so much of panic and a 1 kg loss causes so much joy. We pay so much attention to what we eat and how many calories we take but what about the weight of our hearts.
The Lord weighs our hearts. The Lord checks if our hearts are right and pure before Him. He checks if our intentions, our motives, our thoughts are in line with His divine measurements. I can imagine a weighing scale and the Lord keeps my heart on one side and His Law on the other…truly fills me with fear how the scales would tip. Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at my heart. We may think no one sees, no one knows…but the Lord does. Am I serving the Lord for earthly fame and name? Am I being good to others or donating to charity so the world may see and praise me? Am I speaking well of someone outwardly but thinking ill of them in my heart? Am I proud and arrogant about all my spiritual achievements? Do I look down on others inwardly though I do not show it out? How it should make me in awe of Him. It is not the great sermons you preach or the elegant words you speak…is my heart in tune with my master? Do I enjoy a living, strong, fulfilling relationship with Him? Can He look at us and say…here are men and women after my own heart like He said of King David. Is my heart filled with His Word or with the things of this world. Are the cares and worries of this world overburdening me or am I casting all my care upon Him. Is my heart clean and pure before Him?
Is my heart filled with Christ? The heart that is fixed on Christ, focused on Christ and void of self will be the heart that the Lord desires. A broken and a contrite spirit, that accepts correction, forgives wholeheartedly, loves unconditionally, gives cheerfully and seeks the Lord diligently is a heart the Lord is looking for. One who loves a pure heart will have a king for a friend, it means he/she will find favor with both the Lord and men.
The Lord loves purity of heart; he is good to them that are of a clean heart; he loves graceful lips, or lips speaking grace, in prayer, praise, or Christian conversation: he is a friend to such; to the pure he shows himself pure; the pure in heart shall see him, and ever dwell with him: Christ, who is King of kings and Lord of lords, loves purity and righteousness, and hates iniquity; the lips of his people are pleasing to him, they are like a thread of scarlet; he loves to hear their voice, especially speaking of his own grace; he is a friend unto them, one that loves at all times, and sticks closer than a brother.