Published On: Fri, Sep 24th, 2021

Walk of Life – September 2021 – Day 24 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Step In

Step in to Save the Lost

Deliver those who are drawn toward death,
And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. Proverbs 29:11

We all know the story of the lost sheep. I love that song where it details how the shepherd went seeking for the one lost sheep even though he had ninety nine in his fold. Today the church has lost its vision of lost souls. We are seeking after so many other things but the burden for evangelism seems less prevalent.

The coming of the Lord Jesus is very near. If we really truly believe that all those who do not know the Lord Jesus will burn in hell, we will not be so complacent about sharing the Gospel. Let sharing the Gospel become a part of your daily walk with the Lord Jesus. Just as we read our Bibles and pray every day, let telling one soul about Christ become our motto. Today we live in a digital world. Share God’s Word through whatever channel you can, never be ashamed to proclaim your faith, let your walk and your talk be in tune with each other, may our lives show forth the life of Christ.

I have always had this apprehension while sharing the Gospel…how will they react? Will she stop being friends with me? Will I lose important relationships? Will I say the right thing? Here are some key steps to follow while sharing the good news:

  1. God: We need to begin the story with a loving Father who is the great creator, who created each of us. The purpose for creating us was to have a personal relationship with us. He is holy and he knows us inside out.
  2. Sin: Sin entered the world and caused a gap separating us from God. Our sins prevented us from entering into the Father’s presence. Because God can see everything, He can see the sin in our lives and the Bible tells us that the price for sin is death. (Romans 6:23) So, we were separated from our Father and destined to die.
  3. Jesus: But God’s love for us was so much that He could not let us die. He gave up His most beloved treasure, Jesus to die for us and the Lord Jesus, The Son of God, became a man so that He can suffer and die and pay the price that we were supposed to pay. After three days, He rose from the dead, defeated sin and death and is now sitting right next to The Father. Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins.
  4. The Gift: The blood of Jesus that was shed on Calvary’s cross is the one that washes away our sins. That is a gift to us. That gift makes us clean, makes us righteous, forgiven, and allows us to be able to have a close relationship with our Father and access everything that He has for us. This is the gift of salvation. It is up to us if we accept this gift or not. (Ephesians 2:8)
  5. Believe: There is no compulsion to accept the gift. If you want it, you need to ask for it; you need to speak it with your mouth and you got to believe it in your heart. Once you accept Christ, you will be cleansed. The Spirit of God will come and live in you and help you with everything you need. Never again you will be alone, Jesus will be with you wherever you go. (Romans 10:9-10).

These are the five key steps to sharing the Gospel. Then lead them to pray the sinner’s prayer and follow up regularly, lead them to a Bible-believing fellowship. Make this a habit. It should be your breath…because one day when you stand before Christ and you never confessed Him before men, He may never confess you before His angels.

God has no hands but our hands to do his work today;
God has no feet but our feet to lead others in his way.
God has no voice but our voice to tell others how he died;
God has no help but our help to lead them to his side.

About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name