Published On: Mon, Oct 19th, 2020

Walk Of Life,Day 19-October,2020- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.

Proverbs 19:17 “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the 
LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” 
Oftentimes, we feel pity for the poor people or helpless people in the streets, we feel sorry for them for a while and soon we forget about them.  However, during these pandemic there are many people and organisations who willfully helped the poor people and fed them, God had raised few helping hands and never forgets the poor.
Here is a story of a woman who cooked exclusively for the poor everyday.  Once there lived a woman who prepared an extra roti for dinner which she placed
near the window for any hungry passerby to take and eat. Every day a man with a
hunchback came and took the roti without thanking the woman for the bread.
While he left with the roti, he muttered,” The evil you do remains with you: the
good you do, comes back to you!” The woman waited patiently for many days for that man to thank her for her efforts. It never happened. Impatient enough, one day she thought of harming this man. So, she mixed poison in the dough with which she prepares roti for him.  Her hands trembled as she placed the roti near the window. However, she could not do that, so she threw that roti in the dustbin and prepared a fresh one without poison in it.  The same man came and took the roti as usual.
Few days after this incident took place, one day there was a knock at the woman’s door. To her surprise it was her son who had left home many years ago. Now, he was standing at the door with tattered clothes. Mother and son wept very badly hugging each other. While her mother asked him, the son explained his mother that while he was returning home from that distant land, robbers beat him and left him on the road with nothing. Just then a man with hunch back came to him and offered his roti and gave shelter at his shed. After few days, the son gathered the strength to come back home to meet his mother. The day, the man with a hunch back shared his roti was the day when the woman
wanted to poison it. After knowing all that what had happened, the mother thanked God that she made a fresh roti again.
 This story is an example of the verse mentioned above. In actual sense, poor does not always mean people who lack money. People who need your help in any way should be receiving help from you. Never help others expecting
something in return from them. The Lord himself rewards our work, who rewards us according to the intentions of our heart that we have in helping others.
My help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121.1
 When we pray to God for our needs remember that God is able to meet our needs according to His riches for His glory. God sends help in different ways after all Heaven and Earth and everything is His, He may send angels to help or stir up peoples heart to help you.  Ravens obeyed God in taking food for Elijah, trust in the Lord with all your heart to receive help form God alone, our eyes should be on our master and help others as much as possible as God leads without letting your left hand know that right hand had helped.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.