When Evil seems to be winning
A retired school teacher who was kind, loving, caring, respectful, and very sweet was murdered outside of her home. She was murdered, received multiple injuries during the attack. People described her as good person who worked for her livelihood, supported her community, and played piano at her church.
This news touched me deeply because I had met this lady a year before event took place. However, similar stories of injustice fill the news broadcasts on a daily basis. Sometimes you know someone personally and sometimes you’re just appalled that it could happen to anyone.
What do you do when life doesn’t make sense?
Do you give in to the belief that there must not be a God or if there is, he is uncaring and calloused?
Some people do but this only leads to more sullenness in the world. God never meant for his created human beings to go it alone in this world.The author of Ecclesiastes thought long and hard about the many injustices in life. He didn’t see wrong being made right. He saw burdens, pain, and suffering. He saw judges and other people who were supposed to keep peace acting corruptly. He saw oppressors who sought to magnify their power over their victims. He saw dangers lurking around every corner and uncertainties abounding. From his point of view, everything seemed meaningless.
This dim picture doesn’t seem very far from what happens today.
Keep in mind these five things when evil seem to be winning:
- It is okay to ask God why.
Don’t hide your worries and doubts. Keep your thoughts honest about your confusion. It’s okay to hate injustice. God hates injustice too. - Keep praying. Keep reading your Bible.
You may not always see those answers but if you keep on searching, you will gain some peace and understanding. Don’t run away from God into your own opinions and mindsets. Fight bitterness at every turn. Keep searching for his answers. - Be glad about trials
Trials stand out starkly on the backdrop of genuine faith. The confusing trials of life can refine you whether they make sense or not, but that with the help of God’s strength, you can endure them. - Remember that God loves you
No matter what you go through, see, hear about, or feel. God so loved the whole world that he gave his only begotten son. That may have seemed like an injustice at the time, but it was actually the plan of a sovereign God who wanted to make atonement for all sin once and for all. - Remember that you’re not alone.
When Jesus rose again and then left his disciples in the world, he said that he would send another helper. He did. It’s called the Holy Spirit and he is always with you to help you understand better and get through those trials.
God will eventually bring every injustice and wrong action into His light. This will allow the mourners and the victims to be made new again (Revelation 21:5). God never overlooks his people when they are mistreated. He uses it, in some way, for their good.
Even when you don’t see the end (yet), you can still focus on as many good things in life as you can. Sometimes it’s hard to find them. The good are sometimes like whispers in the middle of a large, loud chaotic room. Nevertheless, keep any eye out for them. Treasure them within your heart and soul. Communicate them to others. Keep the good alive along with the bad. It may sound simple but sometimes it’s the little things that can get you through the tough things.
King Solomon also concluded something similar. He ended his “life is meaningless” rant with the following words:
Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty. God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).