Published On: Tue, May 26th, 2020

Locusts swarm North India

Dear brothers and sisters,
Please pray for locust swarms are even invading Madhya Pradesh and started devastating all green vegetation including agricultural and horticultural crops. Locusts have no specificity/preference. If not controlled, it is estimated that they may cause an economic loss of Rs. 8000 crores of standing moong crop now. Further, it may attack other standing crops. It is unusual that locusts have invaded MP. Normally every year one or two locust swarms attack crops in Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat only. If these swarms reach other states when country’s staple food crops are in the field, we will face shortage of food grains in future. Locust invasion as written in Exodus 10: 14,15 they ate every herb and all fruits of the trees. So there remained nothing green on plants.
Recently Govt also banned two important pesticides that play vital role in protecting food grains from pest attack in stored gowdown/food reserves/buffer stocks. Although few alternative chemical pesticides are available, but they are not sufficient to protect. Pl share among other groups for Gods intervention for God only can take away this swarm. 🙏

About the Author

- The Editor is an international journalist-turned-evangelist and is currently serving the LORD in the tribal-dominated areas of Central India as a missionary evangelist and church-planter.