Editor Hebrontimes

The Editor is an international journalist-turned-evangelist and is currently serving the LORD in the tribal-dominated areas of Central India as a missionary evangelist and church-planter.

By Editor Hebrontimes On Sunday, August 16th, 2020


  Creation vs Evolution is an e-book for download. And it is part of “Conversations That Matter” are a series of revelations (conversations) that may be powerfully used by the grace and wisdom of God as More...

By Editor Hebrontimes On Sunday, August 16th, 2020

Freedom in shackles

John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free Free India has turned 74 amidst the Covid-19 virus pandemic. The development of India as a free nation is being celebrated. Great strides More...

By Editor Hebrontimes On Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020

Moravian Missionary Movement

SOLD OUT FOR CHRIST One group of devoted Christians who got together for a 100-Year Prayer Movement paved the way for the world-wide missionary Movement. In 1727, the Moravian Community of Herrnhut in Saxony commenced More...

By Editor Hebrontimes On Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

Locusts swarm North India

Dear brothers and sisters,Please pray for locust swarms are even invading Madhya Pradesh and started devastating all green vegetation including agricultural and horticultural crops. Locusts have no specificity/preference. More...

hebron times
By Editor Hebrontimes On Friday, October 16th, 2015

BAKTH SINGH: The Non-conformist who conformed to God’s Word

In remembrance of Bro. Bakth Singh Chabra (06.06.1903-17.09.2000), who established the Indigenous Churches of India, also known as Hebron Fellowship When Bro Bakht Singh Chabra was invited in 1938 as a special speaker More...