Understanding the True Meaning of Christmas for Little Hearts – Day 4
Bible Reading: John 3: 1-16
Memory Verse: John 3:16
Jesus Loves You Very Much
Little Jim and Big Jim were classmates. Little Jim was small, weak, but very naughty and would often get into trouble. Big Jim was strong, smart and a very good student and loved by all. Little Jim never liked Big Jim. One day, there was a robbery at school and it was found that little Jim had stolen a huge amount of money. The head master called little Jim in front of the class and announced that he is going to hit him with a cane 50 times. Everyone was quiet when suddenly Big Jim came running in front. He said sir, Little Jim is so weak, if you hit him 50 times he would probably even die, please allow me to take his punishment. The headmaster agreed. As little Jim watched, Big Jim was hit with that big huge cane 50 times on his back. His back started bleeding. The pain was unbearable. Little Jim stood shocked with tears running down his cheeks. Why did you do it for me? “I love you Little Jim, you must be a good boy henceforth.” said Big Jim. The same story stands true for us.
We should have been punished for all the bad things that we do. The lies, the anger, the hatred, the unkind words, not listening to mummy and daddy, speaking rudely to our teachers, for all this and more Jesus took our punishment like Big Jim. Imagine the agony Jesus went through only because He loves you very much. He bore the most cruel death on the cross so that you need not be punished in hell forever. All that He wants you to do is accept this free gift of salvation.
You can make this beautiful craft on Jesus’ love. You can find the template for the craft here – Jesus
Kneel down and tell the Lord Jesus that you are a sinner and you need to have a relationship with Him. You need to have Jesus in your heart. It does not mean that Christ literally comes into your heart but He fills you with His presence. He cleanses you with His precious blood and makes your sinful heart a clean heart. Will you accept God’s gift of salvation today?
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I have committed lots of sins like disobeying my parents, telling lies, and being rude or angry. Please forgive me, cleanse me with your precious blood and come into my heart and be my friend forever. In Jesus name. Amen