Published On: Sun, Aug 16th, 2020



Creation vs Evolution is an e-book for download. And it is part of “Conversations That Matter” are a series of revelations (conversations) that may be powerfully used by the grace and wisdom of God as a means to demonstrate the love of God in a scientific manner to people who don’t believe in the living God.

We need to go in this direction first by prayer, when we, like Prince Israel, prevail over God. It was Stanley Jones in India who pioneered such dialogues when he held round tables with leaders of other faiths and freely testified the power of God unto salvation with great allegories and arguments.

Secondly, we need the anointing of the Holy Spirit to lead us into, what could be called as Guided Truth – the Truth which is revealed through observation of the facts and figures, science and events, and lead men and women to the Truth of the Salvation in Jesus Christ.


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About the Author

- The Editor is an international journalist-turned-evangelist and is currently serving the LORD in the tribal-dominated areas of Central India as a missionary evangelist and church-planter.