Published On: Thu, Dec 23rd, 2021

Understanding the True Meaning of Christmas for Little Hearts – Day 8

Bible Reading: Luke 2:1-7

Memory verse: Mathew 6:33

Have You Any room for Jesus?

Just imagine that night. Mary and Joseph have reached Bethlehem because there was a census and everyone had to be in their hometown. Mary was going to have a baby so Joseph was trying hard to find a place. He knocked door after door but because a lot of people had come, all the inns were full, there was no place at all. It would have been very upsetting for Joseph and he finally found a manger where the Lord Jesus was born. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords could not find a place to be born…everyone denied Him place.

Think of today, you get up early morning, get ready for school, come back, study for some time and the rest of the time invariably is screen time – either the mobile phone or the TV or some YouTube channel. The Lord Jesus has been waiting from the time you got up from your bed if you would speak to Him, spend time at His feet, read His Word, and so on. But alas, no time…you have no room for Jesus nor any time for Jesus. Today’s generation feels these are very boring things to do – reading the Bible and praying! Let me tell you my dear child, speaking to the Lord Jesus and hearing His voice everyday will equip you to be a great witness and a testimony for Him. Jesus is knocking at your heart’s door today. Will you let Him in? Give Him power over your heart and your life. He is waiting.

Always put God first. You can do this craft. The picture is quite clear. Use paper plate and construction paper. Keep it somewhere as a reminder that Jesus should always have the first place in your life.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Help me to always have time for you. You gave me this life, help me to use it for your glory and keep you always first in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name