The Spiritual Adorning which pleases the Lord
Beauty is skin deep but people are always chasing that elusive formula which will enhance their looks. This quest to look good and charming is carried over even into the pews of the churches and is evident as men and women try their best to outdo each other in displaying their fashionable tastes.
This had led to confusion in churches because preachers and people are at a loss to explain the actual conduct, behaviour and appearance of men and women that is necessary both inside and outside the church. In such a scenario, a book written by Sister Lalitha Jeevaraj about what kind of appearance is approved and pleasing to God comes as a breath of fresh air for spiritually-minded people.
The book titled Prabuvu Mecche Aatmiya Alankarana (Spiritual adorning which pleases the Lord) written in Telugu by Sister Lalitha Jeevaraj serves as inspiration for believers, especially young men and women on what constitutes the right type and amount of adornment. (1 Peter 3:4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.)
According to Sister Lalitha, beauty is very desirable and is a sign of good health but many people try to make themselves extra beautiful and attractive beyond the God-given beauty.
Further, there are many advertisements in the media channels which grab the attention of those who want to make themselves look beautiful by using various things to enhance their appearance and attractiveness.

Bro. Victor David, God Servant, Ananthapur, releasing the first copy of Prabhuvu Mecche Aatmiya Alankarana
“However, these are not going to provide any better complexion or appearance to a person. But the inner beauty which is given by the Holy God in a man’s life is the true radiance which makes a person appear pleasing, charming and lovely,” says Sister Lalitha.
Taking a cue from these thoughts, Sister Lalitha was led by the Lord to write the book on how a godly person’s attire and
body language should be.
This 42-page book is divided into 11 chapters each dealing with one aspect of the human appearance. These include clothes, face, eyes, ears, lips, hands, neck, waist, feet, head, perfumed oil.
When all these match the spiritual standards laid down in the word of God, then beauty becomes perfection and the person will automatically be a personality who pleases God.
The book is presently available in Telugu but efforts are being made to translate into English and other languages as well.
Sister Lalitha, the author of the book, is a retired teacher and is actively involved in Sunday School ministry, Sisters Ministry at Ephratha House of Prayer at Uravakonda in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh, India. She is the soul-mate of Bro. S Jeevaraj, ex-banker, ex-Air Force officer and a long-standing elder of the same church.
For copies and more details, please contact Sister Lalitha at the following address:
House of Jesus Saves,
10th Ward,
Ananthapur District,
Andhra Pradesh (India).
Phone: +919441061118, +919618234360